Get Involved! Members Help Shape USHJA Leadership

Now is an exciting time to be a USHJA Senior Active/Competing or Education/Non-Competing member, enjoying new member benefits and helping to shape the USHJA leadership. As a member organization, we are pleased to serve at the direction of our volunteer leadership made up of members, and members play an important role in the identification of candidates for leadership positions. In 2024, USHJA will undergo a Board of Directors election for five seats on the Board, and the first phase of that important process begins with you! Senior Active/Competing and Education/Non-Competing members may nominate candidates for Director At-Large and National Vice President from May 15 to August 15 through their USHJA member account.

Understanding USHJA Leadership StructureBOD_Comp_Icon.png

USHJA Leadership Composition and Selection

The term of service for USHJA Board of Directors members is four years.

Candidates are nominated by members during the designated nomination period (May 15 to August 15), and the Nominating Committee uses these nominations to identify a recommended slate of candidates. 

After careful review of all nominees, the Nominating Committee recommends two individuals (where possible) for each open position on the Board of Directors. View the full election process here.

USHJA Board of Directors

The Board aims to be balanced in composition, consisting of individuals capable of providing non-equestrian related business experience, in addition to those with deep Hunter and Jumper discipline knowledge and experience.

Election Questions & Answers

Q. Does someone need to have prior governance experience or can anyone be nominated?

A. While prior governance experience is preferred for Director At-Large seats, it is not required. However, prior governance experience is required for the National Vice President seat (including service on both the USHJA Board of Directors and USHJA committees within the previous 8 years).

Any Senior Active USHJA member in good standing who meets the criteria and qualifications outlined in the position job description is eligible for nomination. Please review the specific requirements here before making a nomination:

National Vice President
Director At-Large

Q. When will nominations be announced?
A. Nominations remain confidential throughout the process. The final Nominating Committee-approved voting slate of Director At-Large and Officer candidates will be released in November.

Q. Can someone be nominated for multiple positions?
A. Yes. As long as they meet the criteria and qualifications for each position, they may be nominated to all available positions. Additionally, in this election cycle the Nominating Committee is looking for one individual meeting the criteria for the Amateur seat and one individual meeting the criteria for the Competition Manager seat.

Q. Can someone nominate themselves?
A. Yes. You may nominate yourself for a position, provided you meet the criteria and qualifications.