The USHJA Hunter Team Challenge offers a unique team experience for riders competing in the 2’-2’6” Children’s Pony Hunters, 2’6” Low Child/Adult Hunters and 3’ Children’s/Adult Amateur Hunter divisions. Riders who participate in the Hunter Team Challenge have an opportunity to earn bonus Zone Horse of the Year Points in their respective divisions.
There are no qualifying procedures, but riders must meet the eligibility requirements listed in the specifications. To participate, riders must pre-enter with the horse show on a first come, first served basis. Sixteen horses in each of the three sections (Children’s Pony, Low Child/Adult and Children’s/Adult Amateur) will be accepted for a total of 48 participating in the HTC.
The Hunter Team Challenge will take place over two competitive days in four locations: Northeast, Southeast, Central and West, with a rider meeting the day before Day One.
Teams are comprised of a minimum of three and maximum of horses and determined by a random draw. Each team will have one horse from each height section (one 3’ Child or Adult, one 2’6” Child or Adult, and one 2’-2’6” Pony) until all teams possible have one horse of each section. All remaining horses will be randomly drawn to a team. A maximum of 12 total teams are possible.