World Championship Hunter Rider Events are determined on an annual basis by evaluating applications, exhibitor evaluations, exhibitor voting*, competition standards, geographic distribution and exhibitor concentration. The USHJA WCHR Task Force will provide a list of recommended host venues to the USHJA Hunter Working Group for their approval, who will then submit the final draft list to the USHJA Executive Committee for their review and approval. All Premier and National competitions are eligible to apply to host a WCHR Event.
*Each WCHR exhibitor is entitled to vote one time for a specified WCHR Events of their choice in their declared region as well as their top 10 national WCHR Events.
The country will be divided geographically into eight regions and there will be a maximum number of WCHR Event Competitions during the qualifying year.
Each approved WCHR Event is required to remit a $1,500 host fee which supports the WCHR programs.
For each WCHR Event held USHJA will provide:
Within 10 days following the completion of the WCHR Event, full results must be submitted electronically to Ryegate.
Ryegate will be tracking points for the WCHR Program. For this reason, all WCHR enrollment applications must be completed online. Only WCHR applications completed online will be accepted and considered valid.