USHJA Gold Star Clinics

Open to Individual Medalists from the Markel/USHJA Zone Jumper Team Championships and Markel/USHJA Platinum Jumper Championships, Wildcard riders, and their Parents and Coaches. 

USHJA Gold Star Clinics are the pinnacle of the USHJA Emerging Jumper Rider Program, which identifies Jumper riders who have the skill and desire to excel in the sport while educating these riders to become well-rounded horsemen on their path to excellence.

Earning the Gold Star

USHJA will recognize all individual medalists at the Markel/USHJA Zone Jumper Team Championships and the Platinum Jumper as Gold Star Emerging Jumper Riders and all individual medalists at the Markel/USHJA Platinum Jumper Championships as Show Jumping Platinum Athletes. Each Athlete, along with their coaches and parents, will be invited to attend one USHJA Gold Star Clinic of their choice over the following two years. USHJA reserves the right to extend a Wild Card invitation to Jumper riders that demonstrate their exceptional talent during the USHJA Zone Jumper Team Championships or Platinum Jumper Championships but did not secure an individual medal. For more information about the Gold Star Clinics or on becoming a Gold Star Emerging Jumper Rider, email USHJA at

What to Expect

  • Olympic-caliber clinicians
  • Mounted and unmounted instruction covering a variety of topics
  • Stable management education
  • Horse health and nutrition sessions with top veterinarians
  • Information on Show Jumping team competition and Athlete Pathway

Upcoming Gold Star Clinics

New in 2025, the USHJA Gold Star Clinics will be held at a single location each year, alternating between the East and West Coasts. Medalists will be eligible to attend one clinic of their choice over the following two years. Below are the dates and locations for 2025 and 2026 clinics, and information on closing dates for Declarations and Wild Card applications. Please email with any questions.

2025 - EAST
World Equestrian Center
Ocala, Florida
January 22-26, 2025

Riding Clinician: Nicki Shahinian-Simpson
Stable Management Clinician: Colleen Reed

Application Deadline: December 13, 2024

2026 - WEST
Desert International Horse Park
Thermal, California

Deadline to Submit Applications:
Check back for more information

  2025/2026 Medalist Declaration Application   

  2025 Wild Card Application & Questionnaire   

Gold Star Rider Selection

Riders who meet the criteria listed below will receive an invitation to the Clinics. Riders must declare their intent by the given deadline on their invitation to secure their spot.

If any remaining spots are available, USHJA will admit a select number of Wild Card participants for the Clinics. Any member who has earned a minimum of 20 points to have qualified for the USHJA Zone Jumper Team Championships or a minimum of 250 points to have qualified for the USHJA Platinum Jumper Championships may submit a Wild Card application.

Clinic Fees:

ZJTC and PJC Medalist - $250
Wildcard participants - $1,500

Once the deadline for Medalists to submit their commitments to participate in the Gold Star Clinics has passed, the Task Force will then accept Wild Card applications from these identified groups as follows:

Group A: Individual medalists in the Junior Jumper National Championships (Prix des States), NAYC Children’s (any rider that jumped a clear round), Pre-Junior, and Junior, USEF Pony Jumper Championship, and the USHJA Jumper Classic Series (top rider in each of the four fence heights).

Group B: Once Group A commitments are secured, the Task Force will consider any athlete from the ZJTC and PJC who successfully competed without elimination.

Group C: If available space remains, then consideration will be given to any athletes from Group A who finished below the podium in the individual final of their specific championship.

Group D: If no additional athletes from Group A, B, or C are available, Wild Card applications from ZJTC and PJC athletes who did not meet the above criteria will be considered.