USHJA Foundation: Their Stories Start With You!

Foundation Pledge

Make a Greater Impact Over Time

Make a greater impact by making a pledge to give to the USHJA Foundation. Making a Foundation Pledge allows our donors to make a greater impact with larger donations spread out over time. For example, by distributing the payments equally over 5 years, you can make the most impact within your charitable budget.  A $2,500 donation may seem out of reach to pay in one year, but an annual donation of $500 for 5 years is much more achievable.

Your pledge gives the Foundation the ability to plan for new programs and explore the expansion of existing programs to further benefit the hunter/jumper community.

Your Foundation pledge can be donated to the All-Inclusive Fund, where it will benefit all the programs the USHJA Foundation currently supports and be available for the development of new programs. You may also dedicate your pledge to one of our restricted funds, such as the Horseman’s Assistance Fund, if you wish to support only the program that you are most passionate about.

There is no minimum annual donation to give as a Foundation pledge, so you can invest in the future of our sport at a level of giving that is comfortable to you.

To pledge your donation, email or call (859) 225-6700.