The Emerging Athletes Program was created to provide opportunities for young riders to advance their education as they strive to become knowledgeable horsemen within the hunter/jumper community.
Those wishing to apply to a 2025 EAP Regional Training Session and who meet the eligibility requirements for participation must submit the EAP application form and $50 application fee, have three individuals complete the EAP Recommendation Form on their behalf, and complete the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Level One Quiz with a score of 80% or higher, no later than April 1, 2025.
The EAP Committee is excited to offer a new component of the Regional Training Sessions, providing a non-riding Stable Management Trainee program to a select number of participants who are interested in learning more about the behind-the-scenes management of top-level equine athletes and competition barns.
Stable management trainees will shadow the Stable Manager at their selected Regional Training Session and receive more intensive instruction on horse care and management, providing an immersive learning experience on managing a barn and competition horses under the guidance of some of the top stable managers in our sport.
Applicants interested in the Stable Management Trainee program must submit the EAP Stable Management Trainee application form and $50 application fee, have three individuals submit an EAP Stable Management Trainee Recommendation Form on their behalf, and complete the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Level One Quiz with a score of 80% or higher, no later than April 1, 2025.