Lesson Horse Honor Roll - Past Honorees

Join us in celebrating the true heroes of our sport! These devoted equines contribute to the development of top riders, the sport, and lifelong equestrians. The hardest working and most impactful equines in our industry are honored here for everything they do!

Zone 1

Folly Farm Show Stables_Floyd_PC Folly Farm Show Stables.jpegNiemen’s Gold aka Floyd

Adored by RRA Folly Farm Show Stables of Simsbury, CT

19 year old Quarter Horse, 11 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Strawberry frosted donut

If he were a famous person, he would be: Gilbert Godfrey

Floyd is the absolute best teacher for all lessons from dead beginners to 2' students. He teaches students how to ride their first lead change and compete in their first show! PC: Folly Farm Show Stables



Rising Starr Horse Rescue_Dakota_PC Rising Starr.jpgDakota

Adored by RRA Rising Starr Horse Rescue of Wilton, CT

21 year old American Paint, 14 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Mrs. Pastures

If he were a famous person, he would be: Gary Sinise/LT Dan

There is nothing Dakota couldn't do. He is kind, hardworking, and unbelievably reliable. PC: Rising Starr Horse Rescue




Well A Way Farm_Classy_PC WAWF.jpgClassy Act aka Classy

Adored by RRA Well-A Way-Farm of Simsbury, CT

20+ year old Warmblood, 10+ years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Apples and carrots

If she were a famous person, she would be: Jennifer Aniston - they both look great for their age!

Classy is the kindest and most special teacher. She has the best rocking horse canter for students just learning to canter but still makes her riders work! Classy is the BEST first horse show horse, too. She loves to show and shows her riders how it's done in the walk/trot and walk/trot/canter classes. A barn favorite, all of the kids ask for her! We are so lucky to have Classy as part of our Well-A-Way Farm family! PC: WAWF

Zone 3

Haverhill Farm_Chance_PC Shaun Mitchell.jpgChance

Adored by RRA Haverhill Farm of Ashland, VA

26 year old Thoroughbred, 12 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Anything!

If he were a famous person, he would be: Bob Ross

Chance is the ultimate confidence builder, babysitter and best
friend. He takes care of each and every rider; big and small.
Chance is the best guy to introduce riders and families to the
joy of horses and riding. PC: Shaun Mitchell


Beverly Equestrian_Poppy_PC Darrin Mollett.jpegPoppy

Adored by RRA Beverly Equestrian of The Plains, VA

13 year old Welsh Pony, 5 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Buckeye Nutrition peppermint treats

If she were a famous person, she would be: Sweetie Belle

Poppy is very brave and safe but a little mischievous. PC: Darrin Mollett




Palisades Episcopal School_Cortina_PC Emily Frye.jpegCortina

Adored by RRA Palisades Episcopal School of Charlotte, NC

25 year old Warmblood Welsh cross, 3 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: She is an equal opportunity treat lover!

If she were a famous person, she would be: Queen Elizabeth

Many people say their horse or pony likes kids, but Cortina completely lights up when the littles are around- they are truly her people. She is so gentle and sweet for even the tiniest student, but she can still turn on the fancy for a kid who is more experienced. Cortina is great for the kids who are just learning to canter as well as the ones who are learning to navigate courses of ground poles. We are so incredibly fortunate to have her in our program and we absolutely adore her! PC: Emily Frye

Chatham Hall_Joey_PC Chatham Hall.jpegJoey

Adored by RRA Chatham Hall of Chatham, VA

19 year old Thoroughbred, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Only carrots!

If he were a famous person, he would be: Jason Bateman

Joey has been an IEA Nationals fan favorite for many years now. We were lucky enough to welcome him to Chatham Hall in 2023. Joey has a silly personality and has been crowned the slowest walking horse in the entire barn. He has taught kids
how to do their first canter, jump, and taken them to their first shows. We love Joey! PC: Chatham Hall


Full Moon Farm_Sully_PC Amy Flemming Waters_web.jpgFMF Sullivan aka Sully

Adored by RRA Full Moon Farm of Finksburg, MD

28 year old Irish Sport Horse, a lifetime of years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: He doesn't turn down a treat, but probably apples!

If he were a famous person, he would be: Professor Dumbledore

Sully is special because he is in tune with everything around him, even if he's stoic about it. He will do whatever it takes to get the job done and take care of his rider. Sully teaches students how to be a more technical and effective rider, and he is the very best at teaching riders how to properly sit the trot! Sully has been referred to as the "King of Kings" by the students and they're not wrong! PC: Amy Flemming Waters


Beverly Equestrian_Lorenzo_PC Darrin Mollett_web.jpgLorenzo

Adored by RRA Beverly Equestrian of The Plains, VA

15 year old Arabian, 2 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Buckeye Nutrition Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Renowned Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo. Domingo is celebrated for his powerful and emotive performances on the opera stage, reflecting a combination of strength, beauty, and dramatic flair.

Lorenzo loves looking fancy and floating around. 



Zone 4

Boca Riding Club_Rocky_PC Elizabeth Constantin.jpgRockstar aka Rocky

Adored by RRA Boca Riding Club of Boca Raton, FL

16 year old Quarter Horse/Warmblood cross, 6 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Ryan Reynolds- everyone’s favorite

Rocky is the best teacher for anyone learning to ride. He has taught every student from itty bitties to adults. The barn favorite!!! PC: Elizabeth Constantin



Boca Riding Club_Hazel_PC Elizabeth Constanstin.jpegHazel

Adored by RRA Boca Riding Club of Boca Raton, FL

21 year old paint/Quarter Horse cross, 12 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Cucumbers

If he were a famous person, he would be: Ryan Reynolds- everyone’s favorite

Hazel is the safest starter pony. Her job is to basically stand still and she does it perfectly! PC: Elizabeth Constantin




Haig Point_Farley_PC Marlene Makowski.jpgFarley

Adored by RRA Haig Point Equestrian of Daufuskie Island, SC

20 year old Welsh Arab cross, 6 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: He never met a treat he didn't love

If he were a famous person, he would be: Jimmy Fallon

Farley, renowned for being charismatic and charming, is a fan favorite in our barn! He doesn’t mind toting the littles around or jumping a course with a more advanced student. He knows when to be perfect, when to put on a show, and when some comedic relief is much needed. Farley has certainly left his mark on our program and the hearts of many young riders! PC: Marlene Makowski

Cornerstone Farm Sounth_Navajo_PC Leslie Terry.JPGThe Gingerbread Man

Adored by RRA Cornerstone Farm South of Naples, FL

26 year old Pony of the Americas, 20 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Shaved carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: Conan O'Brien

He is the VERY best at helping students learn to trot as he is so smooth and keeps a steady beat. BUT he can be a little imp - he forces his riders to pay attention, or he will sneak some grass! He LOVES to jump and if he does not get a solid short
stirrup rider at least once a week he will start to get pouty. He does everything from leadline to short stirrups - he will TOTALLY babysit but he love the brave kids the best! PC: Leslie Terry


Lucky Fox Farm_Rajah_PC Amanda Strube.jpegRajah

Adored by RRA Lucky Fox Farm of Murfreesboro, TN

40 year old Arabian, 20 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Nicker Maker treats

If he were a famous person, he would be: Thomas Edison

Rajah is the best first ride horse, the best first trot horse, the best first canter horse, and the best first crossrail horse. He takes care of his rider at every step, and if a rider becomes unbalanced, he breaks to a walk every time until they get their position back. Rajah is the safest and gentlest horse in the barn and is the best confidence booster that has ever been in my barn! PC: Amanda Strube

The Stables at Frederica_Maddie_PC The Stables at Frederica_web.jpgMaddie

Adored by RRA The Stables at Frederica of St. Simon's Island, GA

17 year old Welsh X Pony, 8 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Bananas!

Maddie is a staple within The Stables at Frederica riding program. She's involved in every lesson type, from first lessons to 2' and up. She is stellar in the competition ring, consistently earning "Horse of the Show" at IEA competitions, and a region
favorite! PC: The Stables at Frederica



The Stables at Frederica_Sparkles_HSITPteamtrophy_web.jpg


Adored by RRA The Stables at Frederica of St. Simon's Island, GA

17 year old Appendix, 2 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Horse show vendor French fries

Sparkles is one of the most loved horses within the Stables at Frederica riding program! Sparkles thrives in the cross rail ring, but will never miss a beat in the higher divisions. He's taken riders confidently through the Hunter and Equitation cross rail divisions over the last 2 years, earning countless champion and reserve placements at a multitude of venues! It's a great day when you see "Sparkles" written by your name on the lesson assignment board! PC: The Stables at Frederica


Winterview Farm_Lincoln_PC Meghan Roider_web.jpgHonest Abe

Adored by RRA Winterview Farm of Flora, MS

24 year old Quarter Horse, 11 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln is always so kind and patient with the kids. He is great for first horse shows, almost always bringing home a champion ribbon. Lincoln is best at teaching kids how to canter jumps because he has a great rhythm and flat jump. PC: Meghan Roider



Zone 5

Hathaway Hill_Gunner_PC Kirsten Vanderburg.jpgGunner

Adored by RRA Hathaway Farm of Lebanon, OH

12 year old Quarter Horse

At 15 hands, what Gunner lacks in size, he makes up for in heart. He is a favorite in our lesson program with our experienced 2'6" riders. He goes to most of the horse shows with us and has had wins and great placings with a variety of different riders in all three rings. Gunner's temperament and personality along with all his great buttons make him wonderful. PC: Kirsten Vanderburg




Zone 7

Double Rainbow Farm_King Triton_PC Corey Andersen.jpegKing Triton

Adored by RRA Double Rainbow Farm of Haughton, LA

20 year old POA/pinto cross, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Matt Rife (funny and famous, and he knows it).

Triton keeps his riders on their toes, teaching while maintaining his sense of humor. He is wonderful at teaching the sitting trot because he is so smooth yet gives a true feel for the correct diagonal. When riders are starting to canter, he will make them ask correctly if they want to pick up the correct lead. He has some unique quirks that he has maintained since being rescued by one of our students and given to us. These quirks teach all of his students to be kind, move slowly, and notice all horses are individuals. PC: Corey Andersen

Sunny Fox Farm_Fergie_PC Sandlin Niccum.jpegFergie aka KCS Bobby Sox Rox

Adored by RRA Sunny Fox Farms of San Marcos, TX

18 year old Welsh Pony, 13 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Whatever you offer her!

If she were a famous person, she would be: Fergie!

Fergie is our Fergalicious pony queen. She is a favorite among the littles as she's cute and inviting and has the best little boing-boing trot. The more experienced riders adore her too because she is such a blast to jump around. Fergie qualified with owner Lilly for Pony Finals in 2014 and 2015 and since has brought so many kiddos to championship after championship. She is an IEA super star and loves to horse show. Fergie is our sassy redhead who basically runs the barn with her adorableness. We give a huge thanks to the Niccum family for trusting us with Fergie in this forever job of hers. PC: Sandlin Niccum


Double Rainbow Farm_Sirens Echo_PC Katie Andersen.jpegSiren's Echo

Adored by RRA Double Rainbow Farm of Haughton, LA

20 year old Australian Thoroughbred, 2 years giving lessons at our farm

Favorite Treat: Carrots or apples

If she were a famous person, she would be: Princess Diana (royal and kind from head to toe)

Echo is the most lovely horse because she is kind, forgiving, patient, and makes the most nervous riders fall in love with horses. Echo serves all riders from the littlest to the adults - she is a teacher in every way. Echo has HUGE anxiety about the sound of the announcer at our schooling shows. This gentle giant turns into a bundle of nerves when the announcements start rolling out. Maybe it reminds her of her steeplechase days! Another thing that makes Echo unique is that she only has ONE EYE! That doesn't stop her from being one of the best lesson horses to ever live at Double Rainbow Farm and that is saying A LOT! PC: Katie Andersen

Double Rainbow Farm_Simon Birch_PC Morgan Eberhardt.jpegSimon's Birch aka Brookside Sunquest

Adored by RRA Double Rainbow Farm of Haughton, LA

28 year old Welsh Pony, 23 years giving lessons 

Favorite Treat: Baby carrots and smushed oatmeal cookies

If she were a famous person, she would be: Tom Holland (everyone loves him)

Simon is the best boy.  He has lived at Double Rainbow since he was two. He was imported from Wales in utero and born in Canada. He is an incredible mover, has a big canter and an extraordinary jump. Simon is a very good teacher of posting and staying centered since he has such big movement for a small pony. In his older years he is still fancy but has become an extreme caretaker of his little students. He is gentle, kind, and smart as a whip. He is the sweetest soul yet teaches everyone to ride correctly. Simon has been a true gift to those who have learned from him over the years. PC: Morgan Eberhardt

Hill Country_Sir George_PC Stephanie Cook_web.jpgSir George

Adored by RRA Hill Country Riding Academy of New Braunfels, TX

18(?) year old Quarter Horse cross, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Anything!

If he were a famous person, he would be: Abraham Lincoln

George has the quiet demeanor of someone who knows exactly what they are doing, but does not need to tell you about it. He is patient, almost to a fault, allowing young and inexperienced riders to take their time learning important skills like balance,
hand, seat and leg coordination, and steering. George can be stubborn, but he does it in a quiet way, so that no one ever gets mad at him!! When he is ridden by a confident rider, George is amazing, jumping big and getting all the horse strides and lead changes! We couldn't run our program without him! PC: Stephanie Cook

Hill Country_Checkers_PC Shawn McMillen Photography_web.jpegTexas Checkmate aka Checkers

Adored by RRA Hill Country Riding Academy of New Braunfels, TX

22 year old Thoroughbred, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots and peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Superman / Clark Kent

Checkers is always so good at being "Super Checkers" and was a true 3 ring horse! As he has gotten older he has not slowed down at all. Checkers was the Take 2 National Champion Thoroughbred Jumper in 2015 and he NEVER lets anyone forget it! He now allows small children to trot him around , but can still show at 3'!! PC: Stephanie Cook


Victory Stables_Omega_PC Cory Valenzuela_web.jpgOmega

Adored by RRA Victory Stables of Martindale, TX

16 year old American Paint Horse, 4 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Charlie Chaplin

Omega is the beginner horse deluxe! He can have the slowest trot and canter when he has a beginner learning the ropes to make sure they never get going too fast or get too nervous. He is so quiet and careful with our smallest riders when they are
having their first longe line lessons. But don't be fooled, he also loves to jump and will always take the line and get to the other side. Omega is loved by all in IEA, he is a great draw for any kid looking to walk away with a ribbon! We're so glad to have
Omega as part of the Victory program where he has been loved by so many for almost 5 years! PC: Cory Valenzuela

Zone 10

Elvenstar_Daphne_PC Kaycee Bischoff.jpgDaphne

Adored by RRA Elvenstar Riding Academy of Moorpark, CA

29 year old pony, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: All treats are good!

If she were a famous person, she would be: Betty White because she is so sweet and loves all kids.

Daphne is the sweetest pony and a treat to ride for all beginners. She is kind, smooth and the best for the mommy and me classes. At her age she doesn't canter anymore and now excels at teaching riders how to trot. Daphne is also best friends and lives with our mini–donkey Aladdin. She keeps him calm and happy like a four-legged grandma! PC: Kaycee Bischoff


Zone 1

Folly Farm_Scout_PC Folly Farm Show Stables web.jpegClassy Bow Ty aka Scout

Adored by RRA Folly Farm Show Stables of Simsbury, CT

25 year old Paint, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Anything you want to share!

If he were a famous person, he would be: Justin Bieber

Scout is the ultimate lesson pony. He teaches riders humility, but also how to win. Scout makes you work for every last thing that you want him to do, but the moment he walks in the show ring, he is there to win. He teaches our students not to give up, while also teaching that important lesson about what they can do better. PC: Folly Farm Show Stables

Cavalier Farm_Sly_PC Cheryl LeMoine 2 web.pngSly

Adored by RRA Cavalier Farm of Roxbury, CT

19 year old KWPN Dutch warmblood, 8 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Bananas

If he were a famous person, he would be: Adam Sandler

Sly is very special to us because he is versatile, patient and loves his job. He goes on hunter paces, IEA shows, will jump around a Hunter course or do a Dressage test. He is excellent for summer camp activities such as learning how to clip, bathe, trail ride, and bareback rides. Sly teaches our students how to keep a horse straight and forward and helps riders understand how to ride leg to hand. PC: Cheryl LeMoine

Well-A-Way Farm_Monkey_PC Well-A-Way Farm web.jpegMonkey

Adored by RRA Well-A-Way Farm of Simsbury, CT

20+ year old horse, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Molasses treats or apples

If he were a famous person, he would be: Kevin Hart or Groucho Marx

Monkey is one of a kind! He is best friends with Rufus, our 2022 Honor Roll nominee. He is our go-to guy for everyone's first ever ride because he is safe, comfortable, and adorable! Monkey challenges his students to become more confident, stronger riders. He is so patient and kind. We are so lucky to have him in our program as he’s gotten so many young riders started on their journey! PC: Well-A-Way Farm

Zone 2

L&B Farms_Wes_PC Lisa Capp web.pngWestern Express aka Wes

Adored by RRA L&B Farms of Hershey, PA

19 year old Thoroughbred, 13 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: Tom Hanks

Wes has been through the whole gamut of students. He used to teach the more advanced students a great canter depart and, more importantly, how to do a downward transition.  He would transition down, but it would take a few laps. Now he is a pro at teaching a nice steady canter into and out of small jumps.  Over the years he dabbled in barrel racing and pole bending, too!  Now he is our go to for IEA shows and teaching the advanced beginners all about pace and jumping. PC: Lisa Capp

L&B Farms_Aztec_PC Cindy Gilbert web.jpgAztec

Adored by RRA L&B Farms of Hershey, PA

30 year old draft cross, 17 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Soft molasses treats

If he were a famous person, he would be: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Aztec is a big Eeyore. He has floppy ears and lips and keeps his head low for kisses and treats. He has been called a "BIG COMFY COUCH" by many students, tall and small. Earlier in life, he was the best at teaching walk, trot, canter, and beginning jumping. These days, he is best at teaching the smallest riders how to stop, steer, mount, walk, learn posting trot, and beginning the canter transition. PC: Cindy Gilbert

Zone 3

Chatham Hall_Martha_PC Chatham Hall web.jpgMartha

Adored by RRA Chatham Hall of Chatham, VA

17 year old American warmblood, 6 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Anything

If she were a famous person, she would be: Blake Lively

Martha is one of the most versatile horses in our barn. She is a seasoned upper level jumper, but also one of the top IEA draws at our shows. She does the Open divisions all the way down to the WTC. This year she went to IEA Nationals and won three blue ribbons with three different riders, participating in two work off classes as well. Martha is amazing! PC: Chatham Hall

Stonehouse Stables_Big Heart_PC Tara M Best web.jpgBig Heart aka Hearty

Adored by RRA Stonehouse Stables of Toano, VA

20 year old Welsh pony, 11 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: ANY FOOD, especially his brothers alfalfa scraps

Hearty is a barn mascot. He greets everyone and puts a smile on your face. He is small and mighty and yet so sweet. He packs the kids around and never asks why. He is worth more than his weight in gold. Hearty stands and allows kids to learn from day one; from learning to body clip to horse showing.  Such a barn favorite. One of his nick names is Sugar because he is so sweet! PC: Tara M. Best


Fountain Greene Farm_Rocky_PC Happy Acres Photography web.jpgRocky

Adored by RRA Fountain Greene Farm of Wake, VA

25 year old Welsh/Thoroughbred cross, 8 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Apples

If he were a famous person, he would be: Tom Hanks. He can play whatever role that is needed during a session from leader to follower. 

The students of Fountain Greene nominate Rocky as our special school pony worthy of an award. He is wise and honest. Retired from his show career, he is happy and willing to walk and trot around the ring. Rocky is never naughty like other ponies we will not mention. He never takes advantage of a beginner. He knows his leads and even once in a while throws in a flying change. What he is best at is teaching kids to use their eyes. Wherever they look, that’s where Rocky goes. If a person looks down he quietly comes to a stop. If the rider looks at the center of a pole he will trot directly over the center. He rewards good habits while patiently ignoring misinformation. He is well respected by the horses and riders in the barn. PC: Happy Acres Photography

Full Moon Farm_Sig_PC Christine Hryzak web.jpegSignal's Choice aka Sig

Adored by RRA Full Moon Farm of Finksburg, MD

18 year old Thoroughbred, 3 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: Alex Gaskarth because Sig is a rockstar!

Sig is a really cute, sweet guy! He loves to jump and is a fabulous lesson horse for all levels of riders. He has evented, show jumped, hacked around the fields, and is a gentleman in each of the rings. Prior to coming to FMF, Sig earned his keep at Green Spring Valley Hounds and Hunt Club as a whipper-in horse for 9 seasons fox hunting! PC: Christine Hryzak


Chatham Hall_Americana_PC Emma Lane 1 web.jpegAmericana

Adored by RRA Chatham Hall of Chatham, VA

20 year old Paint horse, 7 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Sugar cubes

If he were a famous person, he would be: Keanu Reeves

Americana is consistently the judge's choice for IEA Horse of the Show. He is a barn favorite because of his sweet demeanor and consistency under saddle. He is great at building a rider's confidence over fences. PC: Emma Lane


Zone 4

Jaid Stable_River_PC Jaid web.JPGRiver

Adored by RRA Jaid Stables of Canton, GA

14 year old Thoroughbred, 7 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

River is a great and honest horse! PC: Jaid Stables





Cornerstone Farm South_The Great Pumpkin_PC Leslie Terry web.jpgThe Great Pumpkin aka Gracie

Adored by RRA Cornerstone Farm South of Naples, FL

28 year old Quarter Horse, 2 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Shaved carrots

If she were a famous person, she would be: Sandra Bullock

Gracie is kind and patient, and is the best at teaching the canter as she is so smooth. Her longe line manners are impeccable and she will stand and wait while little children attempt to bridle her. She is the favorite of all our adult riders for her smooth transitions and steady pace. She is a metronome! Gracie has NEVER lost a pleasure horse class in 22 years! Gracie has a QH halt, backs on command, and will stand until told to move. I love her little nickers to the kids when she sees them. She is the "grandma" of our program and has been with us since she was 3 years old! She is amazing. I wish I had her in every size, shape and color! PC: Leslie Terry

MSF Sporthorses_Marquis_PC MSF Sporthorses web.pngMarquis

Adored by RRA MSF Sporthorses of Madison, GA

21 year old Thoroughbred, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Donald Glover

Marquis has taught children in his golden years the 3' Children's Hunters all the way to the Silver Stirrups. He is loved by everyone in the barn. He has a smooth, rhythmic canter and allows mistakes to happen. Marquis loves to be bathed and given treats! He also loves to lick you! PC: MSF Sporthorses


Rose Clover Farm_Buddy_ PC Tara Neufeld 1 web.jpegSmart Little Whiz aka Buddy

Adored by RRA Rose Clover Farm of Adams, TN

17 year old Quarter Horse/Paint cross, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Danny DeVito

The best buddy to everyone at the barn, Buddy is a super smart, been there, done that, safe and sane horse friend! From indoor and outdoor ring work to schooling shows to AA competitions, Buddy has his rider covered (and can still bring in those AA blue ribbons!). He's the pony who can trot the most nervous beginner around the opportunity show ring, and still take a more capable rider through the 2'6" courses. And Buddy knows which type of rider you are! He'll be a packer for the over poles, but he expects a partner for the over fences! That's just one reason he's so wonderful. PC: Tara Neufeld

Boca Riding Club_Harvey_PC Boca Riding Club 1 web.jpegHarvey

Adored by RRA Boca Riding Club of Boca Raton, FL

12 year old American Quarter Horse, 5 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Oats and Honey granola bars

If he were a famous person, he would be: Ryan Reynolds

Harvey is the sweetest soul who makes everyone feel comfortable and welcome when they first meet. He's always happy to greet you at the gate and never minds any rider, whether beginner to advanced, adults or children. PC: Boca Riding Club


MSF Sporthorses_Magic_Deborah Gannon  2 web.jpgMagic

Adored by RRA MSF Sporthorses of Madison, GA

27 year old Quarter horse cross, 16 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Stud Muffins


Magic makes learning such a wonderful experience for the children. He is kind, stands quietly to be groomed, trots at the speed of 0, and lopes around slowly and quietly for kids to learn. PC: Deborah Gannon


Zone 5

Hathaway Hill_Rosie_PC Winslow Photography web.jpgCruisin' Around Rosie aka Rosie

Adored by RRA Hathaway Hill of Lebanon, OH

27 year old Thoroughbred, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If she were a famous person, she would be: Helen Mirren

Rosie is best at teaching beginners how to jump cross rails.  She loves her job and is always happy and willing to teach.  She never misses a day of work. PC: Winslo Photography


On Course_Sparkle_PC Swan Studios web.jpgSparkle

Adored by RRA On Course Riding Academy of Grayslake, IL

22 year old Welsh, 11 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If she were a famous person, she would be: Marilyn Monroe

Sparkle has been a staple in our program for years. She has taught many young riders the basics as well as being a champion show pony. My daughter started showing her at 4 years old! PC: Swan Studios


Zone 6

Turn Crest Stable_Zanzibar_PC Vicki Holst web.jpgZanzibar

Adored by RRA Turn Crest Stable of Kasson, MN

26 year old Paint, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Zan loves them all!

Zan is so special and everyone loves her. She can teach lead line to 2' jumping.  She will move out for Hunt Seat or do the slowest jog for Western.  She has been champion at many Hunter shows from poles to 2'6" in her day. Zan will stand rock solid for the little ones to brush her and give everyone the feeling of confidence.  PC: Vicki Holst


Northstar Equestrian_Wink_PC Addison Parins 2 web.jpegWink

Adored by RRA Northstar Equestrian of Suamico, WI

13 year old American Quarter Horse, 2 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Graham crackers

If she were a famous person, she would be: Oprah because she is kind and giving

Wink rarely ever puts a hoof wrong and is a fan favorite for all the lesson students. She is a saint and always consistent in her job. On top of that, she has the sweetest eyes and face. Wink has only been jumping for two years and has picked it up almost immediately, packing the kids around the courses in both the Hunters and Jumpers at the "B" and local circuits. Additionally, she does up-down lessons and kids camps! She is an overall wonderful, saint of an animal and absolutely irreplaceable. PC: Addison Parins

Zone 7

Victory Stables_Picasso_PC Victory Stables web.pngPicasso

Adored by RRA Victory Stables Equestrian Academy of Martindale, TX

20 year old Arabian/paint cross, 5 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: Jimmy Buffet

Picasso is one of our most requested school horses. He will take care of a beginner child or adult and never offer more than what he knows they can handle. He's especially good with teaching the canter. His canter is incredibly smooth and he will offer a beginner 3-4 steps to get used to the feeling and go back to trot without ever taking advantage. He is also an awesome show and IEA horse; jumping or flatting he will always put his rider in the ribbons. His blanket is tie-dyed because Picasso is peace, love and happiness and is known for his laid back personality that nothing phases. PC: Victory Stables Equestrian Academy

Southern Breeze_Piccolo_PC Cathy Strobel web.jpgPiccolo

Adored by RRA Southern Breeze Equestrian Center of Sugar Land, TX

11 year old grade/paint, 7 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If she were a famous person, she would be: Miley Cyrus

Piccolo can pack a beginner around, let campers climb all over her, and make someone shine in the show ring. Everyone enjoys riding Piccolo! She is one of our most popular school horses and she's beautiful on top of it! PC: Cathy Strobel



Boca Riding Club_Misty_PC Suzanne Joan Warmack 1 web.jpgMisty

Adored by RRA Bel Canto Farms of Wimberley, TX

18 year old Quarter Horse/Arabian cross, 5 years giving lessons at Bel Canto

Favorite Treat: Starlight Peppermints

If she were a famous person, she would be: Mae West

Misty teaches riders how to ride straight and keep her straight (a very important lesson for all). Once a rider is committed to straight, she is perfect. No buck, spook, or run off. She is kind at all times. I got her from an "older" dressage lady who was a little intimidated by her. Whenever the lady tacked her up for a ride, Misty would pin her ears and act like she was going to bite, but it was all an act, of course. I discovered that if we growl at her she drops the act. So, it's kind of funny to see and hear little kids growling at her and getting THEIR way. When given an option, the kids all want to ride Misty. They have to do rock, paper, scissors a few times to settle who get her for their lesson. PC: Suzanne Joan Warmack

Boca Riding Club_Danny Boy_PC Suzanne Joan Warmack 1 web.jpgBCF Danny Boy

Adored by RRA Bel Canto Farms of Wimberley, TX

26 year old Irish Thoroughbred, 10 years giving lessons at Bel Canto

Favorite Treat: Carrots or peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Barack Obama

Like Obama, he's no drama and diligently does his job. Danny requires a bit of leg to motivate but has one of the best canters on the planet. At 26, he is starting to step down from supporting the taller riders. He's been a fan favorite amongst the littles in our program. He gives them a great first canter experience and loves all the attention. Danny has taught many riders over the years (including before coming to Bel Canto) with much patience. He deserves to be honored.. PC: Suzanne Joan Warmack

Hill Country_Thor_PC Stephanie Cook 1 web.jpgScrubbing Bubbles aka Thor

Adored by RRA Hill Country Riding Academy of New Braunfels, TX

17ish year old Welsh (?), 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: It depends on his mood

If he were a famous person, he would be: Danny DeVito

"The Mighty Thor" is a 12-hand high ball of lightning! When he first came to us, he was a very difficult ride, but has since settled well and is the absolute BEST instructor for all riders! He loves beginners and NEVER has to be kicked hard to trot! He teaches everyone that they need to steer to stay on the rail and go into the corners. He has the BEST canter and teaches everyone what a good pace is. We couldn't run our lesson program without "Scrubbing Bubbles"! PC: Stephanie Cook

Sunny Fox Farms_Wally_PC SFF 2 web.jpegWally

Adored by RRA Sunny Fox Farms of Wimberley, TX

18 year old Quarter Horse pony cross, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: He'll do anything for a carrot!

If he were a famous person, he would be: Walter Mitty!

Wally is the sweetest, kindest soul and helps every single level of rider to achieve goals and gain confidence. From longe line lessons up to 2'3",  he will assure everyone a fun and beneficial ride. PC: Sunny Fox Farms



Victory Stables_Phillipe_PC Brenna Quilter 2.JPGPhillipe

Adored by RRA Victory Stables of Martindale, TX

13 year old American Quarter Horse, 3 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: George Strait

Philippe is one of our most beloved lesson horses, taking care of all ages and skill level. He has done lessons, IEA, and local shows and never blinks an eye. He is the perfect horse for a student's first show. We always say his motto is, "Don't worry kid, I got this!" He is one of our number one go-to horses for beginners because he will never take advantage of his rider and shows up to every lesson with the best can-do attitude. PC: Brenna Quilter

Sunny Fox Farms_Caberneigh aka Red_PC SFFphotos web.jpegCaberneigh aka Red

Adored by RRA Sunny Fox Farms of Wimberley, TX

6 year old American Quarter Horse, 2 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Anything put in front of him!

If he were a famous person, he would be: Robert Redford

Red is THE Jack of all trades. At 17hh he is the gentlest giant whose essence makes everyone comfortable. Red teaches first-time beginners all the way up to IHSA Open riders. He can foxhunt over the weekend and then work kiddy camp during the week. He comes to the gate when called and is a total goof in the pasture. We are so grateful for Red's incredible brain and maturity. He truly loves his jobs and always has a happy expression in his face. PC: Sunny Fox Farms

Zone 9

Quiet Rein_Cool Knight Beeze_PC Natalie Clark web.jpegCool Knight Breeze aka Knight

Adored by RRA Quiet Rein Riding School of Oregon City, OR

21 year old Thoroughbred, 8 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Pink Lady apples

If he were a famous person, he would be: Pigpen from Peanuts

Knight has taught many children and adults to ride in the last few years. He has found a second career as a steady and dependable, nearly unflappable, kind soul who is comfortable doing anything from the lead-line, to poles, to the 2'6" Hunter Derby or Equitation. He figures out how to get to the other side of the jump almost no matter what mistake the rider might make, with a good sense of self preservation for both himself and his rider. Knight has participated in many IEA and IHSA events, been dressed up for Halloween, and taken many kids through their first ever horse show. Being a true native of the Pacific Northwest, his very favorite activity is wallowing in a mud puddle in turnout. Though a favorite lesson assignment, everyone knows that if Knight has been outside, you better come early for your lesson because there will be a lot of mud to remove! PC: Natalie Clark

JumpStart Training_Stella Regina_PC Kiri Farler-Smith 1 web.jpegStella Regina

Adored by RRA JumpStart Training of Covington, WA

18 year old Canadian Sport Horse, 7 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Everything but especially STARBUCKS and bananas

If she were a famous person, she would be: Kim Kardashian with Queen Elizabeth II mixed in

Stella’s been such an incredible teacher for my program and has been around from the beginning, helping me grow into what it is now. Stella is confident and the biggest personality. She won't give up anything for free but as soon as you press those right buttons, she gives you an amazing ride. She has taught everything from A-circuit Hunters/Jumpers to beginners getting on their first horse ever to students coming back to riding, has cross trained in Eventing, and is now an outstanding Dressage instructor. She is sensitive enough to teach beginners with such care and yet is a  bit spunky for more advanced riders, which is part of what makes her so loved. PC: JumpStart

Zone 10

Franktown Meadows_Gem_PC Lynn MacLean 2 web.jpegGem

Adored by RRA Franktown Meadows Riding Academy of Washoe Valley, NV

20 year old Welsh pony

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If she were a famous person, she would be: The best preschool teacher

Gem is as patient as the day is long. She has that girl-next-door beauty with a small dose of feistiness. Gem specializes in teaching our tiniest riders how to post. Her little trot has just enough bounce to let them learn to go up and down in a rhythm without scaring them. Gem has also given dozens of kids their first taste of cantering and jumping. If your first time cantering is on Gem, then you are lucky enough to belong to the elite "Gem's Canter Club". PC: Lynne MacLean


Ighani Sporthorses_Gordon_PC Ighani Sporthorses web.jpgFlash Gordon

Adored by RRA Ighani Sporthorses of Fairfax, CA

18 year old Dutch Warmblood, 2 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Mints, carrots, strawberries, carrot pellets and plums

If he were a famous person, he would be: Hugh Jackman or Harry Styles

Gordon (aka Flashy) is beyond special! Such a well-rounded boy that in his previous career he was doing dressage, eventing, show jumpers, equitation, and has even been in a parade! He has spent the last two years as a lesson horse whose particularly great at letting the kids learn bareback and longe lessons. He's a bit slow in his way of going but teaches the kids how to get a horse forward the right way and is so rewarding when you get things right. You really feel he loves his work and is happy in his new job. Gordon is such a gentle giant, and we are so grateful for him to be a part of the program and all of our lives! PC: Ighani Sporthorses

Kalember Equine_Fantastic Mr Finn_Melissa Kalember web.jpegFantastic Mr. Finn

Adored by RRA Kalember Equine of Sebastopol, CA

14 year old thoroughbred, 5 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: Tom Holland

Finn understands that he is teaching the humans how to ride. He does his part even when the rider is figuring out what to do. He has the patience of a saint! PC: Melissa Kalember

Zone 1

Well Away Farm_Rufas_WAWF 3.jpegRufas

Adored by RRA Well A Way Farm of Simsbury, CT

23 year old Welsh cross,13 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

Rufas is the barn favorite! He is best known for helping students with their first canter, both on and off the longe line. His canter is as smooth as they come, and he loves doing anything his riders ask. Rufas is sweet, kind, and super adorable. When walking to the ring, his favorite thing to do is stop for a bite of grass. We are so lucky to have Rufas at our farm and love every minute we spend with him. He is deserving of this award and so many others! Thank you, Rufas!  Photo provided by Well A Way Farm

Zone 2

Hunters Ridge_Elvis_PC Hunters Ridge 4.jpgElvis

Adored by RRA Hunters Ridge of Lockport, NY

30 year old Thoroughbred, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Applesauce

If he were a famous person, he would be: Elvis Presley

Elvis has been teaching lessons for 15 years, and this year he celebrated his 30th birthday. He can be very quirky on the ground, sometimes hard to bridle and lead, but he is a gem under saddle! He loves giving longe line lessons so much that his teeth clank and his tongue hangs out because he gets so relaxed! Elvis is also very good at teaching riders to canter, and he loves to jump! PC: Photo provided by Hunters Ridge

Sweet Release_Jet_Jolene Hasseler 2.jpgJet

Adored by RRA Sweet Release Equestrian Center of Bergen, NY

15 year old Paint, 8 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Sour Patch Kids

If he were a famous person, he would be: Morgan Freeman

If I could clone Jet 100 times, I would. He's sweet, laid back, happy to work, takes care of his rider, and good looking, too! He's the same at shows as at home; we always bring him to IEA and IHSA shows because he handles the environment, never putting a hoof wrong. He'll trail ride, load like a saint, and stand for everything. Jet really doesn't have a single flaw! This guy has a long line of fans and he's taught countless riders--even the barn cat! PC: Jolene Hasseler

Hunters Ridge_Nala_PC Tailor Made Photography 3.jpgNala

Adored by RRA Hunters Ridge of Lockport, NY

34 year old American Quarter Horse,15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

Nala is an ex-therapeutic riding horse. She is great at teaching all levels of riders. She loves to teach riders who have never ridden before because of her quiet, easy-going nature, however she has a great flying lead change and a big round jump for those looking for more horse! PC: Tailor Made Photography



Zone 3

Liberty Mountain_Prince_PC Kimbery Counts 3.jpegPrince aka Little Red Corvette

Adored by RRA Liberty Mountain Equestrian Center of Rustburg, VA

23 year old Appendix Quarter Horse, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Stud Muffin Cookies

If he were a famous person, he would be: Prince

Prince is a horse who can do no wrong! He is very sweet and friendly and has been teaching riders the basics for many years. Prince greets visitors at the Equestrian Center and will stand for hours getting pats and attention from horse lovers of all ages. Like clockwork, Prince takes his morning nap before teaching lessons in the afternoon. Prince excels at teaching riders how to walk, trot, and canter and taught many riders how to jump before coming to Liberty. We adore Prince and can always count on him to be a good boy!  PC: Kimberly Counts

Grovespring_Posh_PC Hilary Gerhardt 3.jpg


Adored by RRA Grovespring Farm of Culpeper, VA

29 year old Morgan, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Pretzels

If he were a famous person, he would be: Walter Mattau

Posh knows his job so well he can see a distance from 10 strides away and no matter what his child does he just stays steady. He wears a grumpy face yet is the most tolerant pony. He is stout enough to carry a small adult and quiet enough to teach a child to post. Posh has lots of personality. He like to ride out but must be at the front of the line. He has perfect manners, will stay in a stall with the door open or stand like a statue in the aisle. Not only is he safe, a good teacher, and smooth for bareback, but Posh will also still march around at a show, adjusting his own stride and swapping his leads. Posh is leading his best life living with a retired TB and tolerating his antics while getting heavily groomed and lightly ridden. His best trick is muzzle removal. PC: Hilary Gerhardt

Palisades_Luke_PC Emily Frye 2.jpeg


Adored by RRA Palisades Episcopal School of Charlotte, NC

22 year old Paint, 6 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Bananas or apples

If he were a famous person, he would be: Peyton Manning - super talented but laid back with a good sense of humor 

Luke has the most amazing canter ever! Our students say it's like "riding on a cloud." He is the kind on the longe line and also loves to trail ride, take our students over their first jumps, and help them learn to canter. He qualified for the APHA World Show in his younger days and he has seen about all there is to see. Nothing phases this guy! PC: Emily Frye


Beverly Equestrian_Beverlys Ruby_PC Darrin Mollett.jpg

Beverly's Ruby

Adored by RRA Beverly Equestrian of The Plains, VA

18 year old Welsh cross, 8 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If she were a famous person, she would be: Angelina Jolie- all arounder

Beverly's Ruby is great at working with beginners. She is the perfect size, is voice trained, and will trot in hand for people to learn to post. She has a fantastic tail that has 10 different colors in it. PC: Darrin Mollett


Stonehouse Stables_Luck_PC Sara Alves.jpg

Luck aka Wishes Come True

Adored by RRA Stonehouse Stables of Toano, VA

22 year old Welsh/Quarter Horse cross, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Lucky Charms

If he were a famous person, he would be: Steve Martin

Luck has been in our area many years. His little girl named him and learned so much from him. He gave his all and after a colic surgery, she knew he was no longer able to do the large ponies. He became a school horse for another farm and stayed there many years until we were able to purchase him as their program downsized. We have been so very fortunate. He totes the littlest of kids (ages 5 and up) all the way through cross rails. He loves his job and has the sweetest eyes. We would be lost without some "Luck". PC: Sara Alves

Liberty Mountain_Solomon_PC Kimberly Counts 3.jpgSolomon aka Now Watch This

Adored by RRA Liberty Mountain Equestrian Center of Rustburg, VA

22 year old Thoroughbred/Warmblood cross, 9 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Morgan Freeman

Solomon is a horse who aims to please! He does a great job teaching students the fundamentals of riding and taught many riders how to jump in his younger days. Solomon's favorite thing to do is look out his stall window at the farm's pond as the sun is setting. He's got a kind heart, but isn't above a little mischief when he opens other horses' stall doors and windows! We adore Solomon and are grateful for the lessons he has taught riders, both on and off his back! PC: Kimberly Counts

MK Sporthorses_Annie_PC Michelle Motyl 3.jpegAnnie

Adored by RRA MK Sporthorses of Broad Run, VA

6 year old Thoroughbred, 2 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Ritz crackers

If she were a famous person, she would be: Captain Marvel

Annie teaches beginners and advanced beginners to how to jump. She is quiet enough to jump 3ft at a show, then take a student into a cross rail class. She is sweet as candy and loves kids! Annie is one of our former retired racetrack horses who enjoys her new career as a lesson horse. We want to honor her for her patience and love towards all of the beginner students! PC: Michelle Motyl

Haverhill_Jester_PC Priceless Photo 2.jpgJester

Adored by RRA Haverhill Farm of Ashland, VA

21 year old Quarter Horse cross, 12 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Rainn Wilson

Jester is just such a sweet pony! He has taught countless students how to canter and jump, and is also so safe and sweet at the shows. He is best at giving students a confident ride at away shows where riders can be nervous. He is so chill that he has the same attitude away as he does at home! PC: Priceless Photo


Zone 4

StablesatFrederica_Pocahontas_Allie Zorn.jpgPocahontas

Adored by RRA The Stables at Frederica of St. Simons Island, GA

15 year old Paint, 3 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Apples and oranges, and I bow for them!

If she were a famous person, she would be: Cookie Monster

Pocahontas has her own little fan club at The Stables at Frederica. She teaches the littles to post and ask for their first canter transitions, then cleans up a cross rail course with the best of them! Everyone hopes they get to ride Pocahontas on their lesson day. We love our Pocahontas! PC: Allie Zorn


Driftwood Stable_Smoothie_Sondra Makowski 4.jpegSmoothie aka Smooth Getaway

Adored by RRA Driftwood Stable of Hilton Head Island, SC

16 year old Appednix Qurater Horse, 4 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Ginger Snap Cookies 

If he were a famous person, he would be: Abraham Lincoln 

Smooth Getaway is our BFG (Big Friendly Giant). At 16.3 hands, he is as gentle as he is tall, toting around our smallest of  lesson kids with the most care, jumping around courses like a rock star with the IEA team riders, or giving confidence to our adult amateurs who are getting back in the tack; he is a barn favorite. Smoothie lives up to his name, too with the best canter- rhythmical, balanced and of course, smooth! Stoic and kind as well as tall, dark and handsome, Smoothie will steal your heart both in and out of the saddle with his comfy gaits, honest and enthusiastic work ethic, as well as his sweet and funny personality and good looks! PC: Sondra Makowski

MIRC_Mr Freckles_PC Delfina Raffetti 2.jpegMr. Freckles

Adored by RRA Miami International Riding Club of Miami, FL

18 year old registered Paint (solid), 10+ years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots, but he will eat anything

If he were a famous person, he would be: Tom Hanks - smart, funny, and everyone likes him

Mr. Freckles is the most comfortable horse to sit on! You literally can't tell if he is trotting or cantering as he just floats. He can charm all the new ladies and make them fall in love with him, and because of that, they will love riding. Mr. Freckles is super versatile. He is a great swimmer and loves the trips to the lake. He will stand forever to be groomed or patiently wait while a kid with disabilities mounts. He doesn't mind a screaming toddler either. And if that wasn't enough, he shines at the schooling show jumping shows. Freckles is a true school master! PC: Delfina Raffetti

Jaid Stables_ThatsMyBoyBlue_PC Jamie Bice 2.jpegBlue aka That's My Boy Blue

Adored by RRA Jaid Stables of Canton, GA

12 year old Paint cross, 6+ years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

Blue is a kind teacher. He has been a great pony for those just learning to trot on the longe line all the way up to those wanting to show in the jumper ring. Blue is definitely a favorite draw at IEA shows and lessons. 
PC: Jamie Bice



Four Gs_Shelly_PC Ally Mora 4.jpegShelly

Adored by RRA Four Gs Equestrian of Delray Beach, FL

21 year old Warmblood, 5 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Soft, small treats like a peppermint

If she were a famous person, she would be: Mother Theresa

Shelly is the kindest horse in the world, and she's even a mare! She stands perfectly still on the ground at all times. Shelly teaches her riders the basics from walk, trot, to jumping around a 2'6" course. She goes more like a jumper with her head higher which make the riders feel very safe. Riders don't need much leg at all, just point and shoot! PC: Ally Mora

StablesatFrederica_Quincy_Allie Zorn 3.jpgQuincy

Adored by RRA The Stables at Frederica of St. Simons Island, GA

25 year old Quarter Horse, 12 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Oranges

If he were a famous person, he would be: Dr. Stephen Strange (Marvel)

Quincy is everyone's favorite lesson horse! He teaches itty bitty riders to steer and post, and can take our more advanced riders around a cross rail course! Riders learn to pay close attention to their track and steering when riding Quincy; if they aren't careful, they will find themselves in the center of the arena with Quincy nuzzling instructors for treats! PC: Allie Zorn

Providence_Mariah_PC Heather Cassese 4.jpgMariah aka My Shooting Star

Adored by RRA Providence Equestrian Center of Bonita Springs, FL

30 year old pony, 19 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Everything sweet!

If she were a famous person, she would be: Wonder Woman!

Mariah, aka My Shooting Star, is innately perceptive to the needs of her student and adjusts accordingly. In addition to her regular lessons, she has worked with autistic, blind, and hospice riders. Slow and steady or quick and handy, Mariah and her students have competed from lead line to pony jumpers and everything in between. She still competes regularly in walk/trot and crossrails classes. Mariah is our beloved super hero! PC: Heather Cassese



Cavallo Farms_Petie_PC Amy Center 4.jpgPetie aka GeeWillickers

Adored by RRA Cavallo Farms of Tallahassee, FL

26 year old pony, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Soaked alfalfa cubes

If he were a famous person, he would be: Winnie the Pooh

Petie is our steady Eddie.  He has taught countless children from ages 3 and up.  He is one that we can safely turn kids loose on. While he no longer canters in lessons, he was a great one to teach a canter on. He is so sweet and friendly to every human and horse.  He is everyone’s friend. Photo provided by Amy Center




Jaid Stables_Taylor Swift_PC Jamie Bice 3.jpegTaylor Swift

Adored by RRA Jaid Stables of Canton, GA

11 year old Thoroughbred cross, 4 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If she were a famous person, she would be: Taylor Swift

Taylor is the kindest of mares. She teaches longe kids through 2’6" jumping lessons. She loves to horse show and is a favorite at IEA shows. Taylor always tries her best for her riders. She is easy going and happy to do any job you ask her. PC: Jamie Bice



Cornerstone Farm South_Zone 4_ PC Leslie Terry.jpgPenelope aka Cornerstone's First Frost

Adored by RRA Cornerstone Farm South of Naples, FL

27 year old Welsh/Arabian cross, 21 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots - but secretly she loves HOT DOGS!!! We never give her them but she obviously has had them in the past!

If she were a famous person, she would be: Betty White - sweet as sugar but strong in character 

Penny came to us as a "crazy" pony no one could ride; I took her in as no one wanted her. After a few weeks with soft hands and a new bit, she was teaching tiny tots! Penny builds great confidence in riders at the trot and starts sneaking into the canter to let us know when a child is ready for the next step. She loves to jump and struts her stuff at the horse show. Many year-end awards bear her name! We counted over 35 riders who started their show "career" on Miss Penny, yet she is just as comfortable at a pony fun day having sticky notes all over her to teach the parts of the horse. She is a gem. PC: Leslie Terry

Four Gs Equestrian_Emperor_PC Ally Mora 2.jpegEmperor aka My Little Warrior

Adored by RRA Four Gs Equestrian of Delray Beach, FL

19 year old Quarter Horse/Halflinger pony, 5 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: He will eat anything!

If he were a famous person, he would be: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Emperor has never pinned his ears, bitten, kicked, or put a hoof wrong towards any human or animal, both in or out of the ring. He is great at teaching riders to steer, trot, canter, and jump up to 2'. Emperor always wears his ears forward and greats you. When walking around, he will try and visit any human on the rail or in the ring. He has no idea what person space means, but in a good way. PC: Ally Mora

MIRC_Lacey_PC Delfina Raffetti 2.jpegLacey

Adored by RRA Miami International Riding Club of Miami, FL

25 year old AQHA large pony, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If she were a famous person, she would be: Julia Roberts

Lacey is the most versatile mare ever! She shines in the Lead Line and Short Stirrup divisions with the tiny ones in the Hunter ring, she will easily transition to the initial Jumpers being fabulous at 18" and 2', and she is a super star working with riders with disabilities, helping one of our legally blind students safely navigate the ring and even pop over some trot poles. Lacey is loved by all our campers during summer camp. And if that wasn’t enough, she is amazing at trails and even swims at the lake at our annual lake trip to swim with the horses. She is fabulous in group lessons and works well both with kids and adults. PC: Delfina Raffetti

Driftwood_Lady_PC Sondra Makowski 2.jpgLady aka Ladyhawke

Adored by RRA Driftwood Stable of Hilton Head Island, SC

22 year old Morgan Horse, 7 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: German Horse Muffins

If she were a famous person, she would be: Jacqueline Kennedy

Lady is a jack of all trades, she’s done it all: Hunter/Jumpers, Dressage, Hunter Paces, Western, Trail Rides, and at this stage in her career, Lesson Horse Extraordinaire! Lady is the type of horse that if you can swing a leg over, you can ride her! And she lives up to her name with her classic good looks, smooth and comfortable gaits, and the sweetest personality. Lady knows her job and does it exceedingly well, representing all the best characteristics of a Morgan horse. As our most popular horse, Lady is the “First Lady” of the stable; whether guiding new riders for their first horse experience, teaching students their first canter on the longe line, or carting kids around their first cross rail course, you can count on Lady to be your first choice in the ring and in your heart! PC: Sondra Makowski

Zone 5

Hathaway Hill_CK_PC Hathaway Hill 4.jpg CK 

Adored by RRA Hathaway Hill of Lebanon, OH

25 year old Quarter Horse, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Eeyore

CK is just the best horse ever. He is slow and easy to work with, has such a relaxed personality, and makes the newbies feel safe and comfortable when riding. CK loves his job. I think if CK were just a normal person, he would be a teacher because he helps his kids and doesn't get angry when they make mistakes. He teaches students the basics: how to steer, post, canter, the list goes on and on. He has taught so many kids how to ride and is continuing to help them along their journey in horseback riding. CK is without a doubt, the best horse ever. PC: Hathaway Hill

Alpine Ridge Farms_Valentine_PC Kristine Heard and Jaclyn Alcumbrack 5.jpgValentine aka Be Mine 

Adored by RRA Alpine Ridge Farms of Sparta, MI

28 year old Thoroughbred, 20 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Apples

If he were a famous person, he would be: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Valentine is a CANTER horse I purchased off the racetrack when he was six years old. He has excelled in the Hunter ring for many years and has won championships with many students. He was awarded the Good Egg Award last year at the LEHS Finals. Valentine is so patient with new students and, still to this day, loves to jump small fences. He always knows when he is stepping into the show ring and can turn it on. He has always been a barn favorite at Alpine Ridge Farms! PC: Kristine Heard and Jaclyn Alcumbrack

Zone 6

Phoenix Eq Center_Snowcreek_PC Janine Weatherby 4.jpg Snowcreek aka Gosczip

Adored by RRA Phoenix Equestrian Center of Bellevue, NE

21 year old Oldenburg, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Apples

If she were a famous person, she would be: Olivia Newton John

She is the most patient for anybody, slow moving, and only goes as fast as she needs. But she does everything possible for everyone who rides her.

PC: Janine Weatherby



Turn Crest Stable_Monty_PC Vicki Holst.jpg Monty

Adored by RRA Turn Crest Stable of Kasson, MN

33 year old Pony of the America's, 25 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Anything but red treats

If he were a famous person, he would be: John Wayne

Over the years, Monty has taught jumping and taken students to shows where he was always a great teacher and won his share of champions. Now he is retired to teaching lead line lessons and walk/trot, but if a special rider needs to learn to canter, Monty is the man for the job! He is always a kind and loving pony to all the kids. PC: Vicki Holst

Zone 7

Victory Stables_Morgan_PC Cory Valenzuela 4.jpgMorgan

Adored by RRA Victory Stables of Martindale, TX

22 year old Quarter Horse, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If he were a famous person, he would be: Morgan Freeman

Morgan has done a little bit of everything in his life: lessons, Hunters, Dressage, Eventing, Pony Club, trail riding, and even a little Western at one point. Morgan is one of our most requested lesson horses because of his easy-going temperament and steady pace; we use him to teach our students their first crossrails. Our older students love Morgan because of his slow, smooth gaits while our more experienced riders love Morgan because with a push of a button, he goes from trail horse to fancy! Morgan has been with our program for several years and we are honored to be his forever home. PC: Cory Valenzuela

Motor aka Getyourmotorrunning Bel Canto Farms_Motor_PC Suzanne Warmack 2.png

Adored by RRA Bel Canto Farms of Wimberley, TX

19 year old Thoroughbred/American Paint Horse, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

Ifshe were a famous person, he would be: Sinatra

Motor has been "Horse of the Show" many times at our Zone 7/Region 3 shows. He is a favorite draw... pretty point n' shoot. Motor is kind to all, and his lower lip hangs link a derp. PC: Suzanne Warmack



Hill Country_Peyton_PC Jerry Mohme 2.jpegPeyton aka Rolie Polie Olie 

Adored by RRA Hill Country Riding Academy of New Braunfels, TX

20 year old Quarter Horse, 16 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: Eeyore, but Lightning McQueen when jumping!

Peyton is the absolute BEST teacher in the world! He teaches everyone how to canter and can also be trusted to barely "jog" with unstable beginners. He is steady and reliable but absolutely comes to life when he hears the buzzer in the jumper ring. Peyton obliterated the competition at his last "A" show and continues to teach beginner through advanced riders how to ride correctly and WIN! Peyton is the draw of choice for IEA and IHSA horse shows throughout Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. He was the “Over Fences Draw of the Show” at Louisiana State University several times! PC: Jerry Mohme

Southern Breeze_Thelwell_PC Cathy Strobel 3.jpegThelwell

Adored by RRA Southern Breeze Equestrian Center of Fresno, TX

22 year old Pony of the Americas,  15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Apple flavored horse treats

If he were a famous person, he would be: Michael J. Fox

Thelwell loves to take care of our young riders as well as our riders with a variety of disabilities in our therapeutic riding program. He's so patient and kind. But when you put somebody on him that really knows what they're doing, he snaps his little knees up over a jump and is clearly so proud of himself! Thelwell has been one of the favorites at several IEA shows. He's always sweet and wouldn't harm anybody in any way. He is loved by everyone and has helped countless riders learn the finer points of riding through the years. He's honest, at times comical, and always cute! PC: Cathy Strobel

Victory Stables_Sammie_PC Cory Valenzuela.jpegSammie

Adored by RRA Victory Stables of Martindale, TX

29 year old Arabian,  22 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermint candies

If he were a famous person, he would be: Abraham Lincoln

Sammie, aka Mr. Wonderful, has been teaching students how to ride most of his life and he loves his job. He has taken many students from their first ride to first jumps. He has been shown extensively in the Hunter ring, has trail ridden and even been known to partake in a gymkhana or two. Though Sammie is in semi-retirement, he still gives a couple lessons a week to our tiniest riders to help keep him fit and carefully guide them through their first lessons. Sammie is a barn favorite and has encouraged students from all over to follow their passions in riding. PC: Cory Valenzuela

Bel Canto_BCF Belly Dancer_Suzanne Warmack 4.pngBCF Belly Dancer 

Adored by RRA Bel Canto Farms of Wimberley, TX

17 year old Welsh,  12 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Peppermints

If she were a famous person, she would be: Audrey Hepburn

Belly is always a favorite draw at IEA shows and has been either Horse of the Show or Reserve Horse of the Show several times! PC: Suzanne Warmack



Hill Country_Frizz_Jerry Mohme 3.jpegFrizzbee aka Hugz and Kisses

Adored by RRA Hill Country Riding Academy of New Braunfels, TX

35 year old Quarter Horse/Welsh cross,  25 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If he were a famous person, he would be: George Washington

Frizz is the best pony in the world! We always joke that he is old enough to have been on the ark with Noah and taught George Washington how to ride! Frizz has the unique ability to be absolutely amazing with experienced riders while testing and challenging beginner riders. Frizz is best at teaching the foundations and preparing riders physically and mentally. In 2021, Frizz competed in his first A-rated division, the medium green ponies at 2'6", at the age of 34! In 2019, Frizz was the IHSA Horse of the Show at Louisiana State University and Horse of the Zone in IEA zone 7! PC: Jerry Mohme

Zone 9

Quiet Rein_Bailey_PC Tais Photography 2.jpegBailey aka Bakari

Adored by RRA Quiet Rein Riding Academy of Oregon City, OR

24 year old Clydesdale/Thoroughbred cross, 11 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Blackberries

If he were a famous person, he would be: Mr. Rogers

Bailey has taught numerous riders, from the basics of riding to Medals Finals. He has won our local 2'6" Hunter Derby many times and most recently was the OHJA Mini Medal Final winner last year (and once before). His showing credits range from lead-line to trot a pole to 3' Equitation and Jumpers. He has been the most steady IEA draw in the state of Oregon the past four years and has won Horse of the Show many times. PC: Tais Photography


French Hill Farm_May_Kaitlin Chadwick 3.jpegMay aka Call Me Maybe

Adored by RRA French Hill Riding Academy of Aurora, OR

22 year old Paint, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Frosted Mini Wheats

If she were a famous person, she would be: Belle from Beauty and the Beast

'Miss May' or 'May May' is worth her weight in gold. You will never meet a more sweet or patient little girl. Although mostly a western pleasure horse in her earlier years, once at French Hill, she and her first rider went from walk, trot, and canter to showing at 2’3" in just a few years! They were both very proud of themselves! She is beloved at the barn and invokes trust and confidence by all who come in contact with her. She is a marvelous teacher, both reliable and forgiving. When outside riders draw her name at IEA competitions, they actually cheer! She is truly our princess! PC: Kaitlin Chadwick

Zone 10

Elvenstar_Polly_PC Kay Altheuser 2.jpgPolly

Adored by RRA Elvenstar Farm Academy of Morepark, CA

34 year old Arabian, 10 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots

If she were a famous person, she would be: Betty White because she was so sweet and kind

Polly is the most patient, sweetest, and forgiving pony. Although she doesn't canter anymore, she always knows just how fast she should trot depending on the rider's ability and slows automatically when they feel unbalanced. She is best at teaching riders how to steer as she follows the reins perfectly. Polly is a doll in the crossties, loves to snuggle, and is definitely a favorite among all the riders! PC: Kay Altheuser



Ighani Sporthorses_Waffles_PC Ighani Sporthorses 3.pngWaffles

Adored by RRA Ighani Sporthorses of Fairfax, CA

15 year old Quarter Horse, 1 year giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots and apples

If she were a famous person, she would be: Jojo Siwa

Like the teen pop icon, Jojo, our girl Waffles is a beautiful blonde who's upbeat and always there to support her riders and teammates. She is an exceptional pony that can be ridden by any kid, any age, and any level. Everyone feels safe and confident on her. Waffles is the perfect pony for longe rides, when you want to work on form and strength, or when you want to break free for a bareback ride. Waffles is a trustworthy companion and teacher. She is patient with her riders, but also shows them where to improve without intimidation. She has a steady, easy demeanor, and gaits.  PC: Ighani Sporthorses

Ighani Sporthorses_Magic_PC Susan Ighani 3.jpgMagic

Adored by RRA Ighani Sporthorses of Fairfax, CA

24 year old Welsh Pony, 2 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots and mint Tummy Gummies

If she were a famous person, she would be: Taylor Swift

Magic has a heart of gold; always ready to work and teach the kids. She has tremendous patience and a willingness to please. Magic is as safe as they get and happy to hack on trails, teach in the ring, or play fun games. She's a snuggle bug and an all-around great girl for the kids to handle on the ground. She’s such a great first horse to learn the canter on or any new basics. She even loves to show off at the occasional horse show and hang with the big guys. Magic is beyond special, and we are so grateful for her! PC: Susan Ighani

Five Star Equestrian_Leo_PC Zoe Setton 2.jpegLeo aka Leo Grande

Adored by RRA Five Star Equestrian of Pleasanton, CA

26 year old Mustang pony, 12 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Carrots 

If he were a famous person, he would be: Dustin Hoffman

Leo was rescued when he was 10 years old and was trained to jump by putting a mare on the other side of a jump. Leo has since learned his job well and goes around like a little Hunter. He helps teach new riders by adding in his own ideas to ensure they are paying attention. He is never mean, sometimes playful, but always loving and patient. Leo has done IEA shows and even at 26, loves to jump (although we have let him know he needs to take it easy now). Fun fact! Leo is missing a part of his ear which was probably lost due to frostbite in Wyoming where he was caught as a baby. This little guy is a part of our team; there is really no one quite like Leo. PC: Zoe Setton

Kalember_Royal_PC Darby Ciampi 2.jpgRoyal

Adored by RRA Kalember Equine of Sebastopol, CA

13 year old Welsh Pony, 8 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Alfalfa

If he were a famous person, he would be: Danny DeVito

Royal has enough wits to make the riders pay attention to how they handle and treat him. He also has a heart of gold and will teach anyone. He is extremely safe under saddle and LOVES to teach, especially jumping! PC: Darby Ciampii



Elvenstar_Harry Potter_PC Kaycee Bischoff 3.jpegElvenstar Harry Potter

Adored by RRA Elvenstar Farm Academy of Morepark, CA

27 year old paint pony, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Skittles, red vines, peppermints, Jelly Bellys...anything else he can get! 

If he were a famous person, he would be: Why Harry Potter himself, of course!! Daniel  Radcliffe 

Elvenstar Harry Potter is kind and tolerant (but not lazy), great for teaching beginners to canter, and never minds being dressed up for Halloween! Many of our riders who took beginning lessons on Harry have gone on to show at the national level, including Agusta Iwasaki! He is a fabulous teacher and is worth his weight in gold. PC: Kaycee Bischoff

Liberty Riding Academy_Boxter_PC Lori Clark 2.jpgBoxter

Adored by RRA Liberty Riding Academy of Modesto, CA

25 year old paint pony, 15 years giving lessons

Favorite Treat: Any brand of cookies 

If he were a famous person, he would be: Mr. Rogers

Boxter is a medium pony who loves children. He is always happy to go out for a ride, is a perfect gentleman to groom, is slow and sweet for the walk-trotters, and safe enough for the 4-year-old rider or sound enough to compete over 2' jumps with a more advanced rider. Boxter is an IEA favorite in our zone and was voted IEA Zone 10 and Region 3 Horse of the Year 2022! PC: Lori Clark