USHJA believes that the safety and welfare of our members is of the utmost importance, and we support the efforts of USEF and the U.S. Center for SafeSport to provide training and reliable reporting processes for our sport. We are committed to ensuring that our members and other interested parties in our Hunter Jumper Community are aware of these resources and reporting processes.
Any USEF Competing Member age 18 and over (including amateurs, professionals, juniors who are age 18 and older, and owners who have an annual, three-year, or lifetime membership) and participants at USEF licensed competitions who have regular contact with or authority over minor athletes must take the SafeSport training. Others required by USEF to take the SafeSport training include USEF licensed officials, Chefs d’Equipe, Staff, Board Members, Competition Management, Coaches, Human Physios, Farriers, Trainers, Veterinarians, and Selectors hired or contracted by USEF. The SafeSport training requirement does not apply to USEF Subscriber Members or USEF Competing Members under the age of 18.
In accordance with USHJA Policy GA103, SafeSport training must be completed by USHJA Board and Committee members, USHJA Credentialed Instructors, Chefs d’Equipe, Recognized Riding Academy operators and instructors, and clinicians under a contract of service with USHJA. Additional training, screening, and documentation requirements are outlined in the policy.
The SafeSport Trained Core course helps individuals recognize the signs of abuse, teaches them how to prevent abuse from occurring, and outlines appropriate ways to respond and assist if the abuse has already occurred. Education and awareness will help us create a safe and respectful environment for participants in our sport.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport’s online training course covers three topics in depth:
The course takes approximately 90 minutes to complete, but it is not necessary to complete the training in one sitting – your progress will automatically save as you proceed.
The Core course is supplemented by three Refresher courses. A refresher course must be taken each year following completion of the Core course.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport offers several free courses for parents/guardians and minor athletes. We encourage parents/guardians to take the Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport, a 30-minute training video that educates parents on recognizing, responding to, and preventing abuse and misconduct in your child’s sport setting. This training highlights information and tactics to minimize risks of harm as well as ways to create a safe sport environment for your children. Access tools that help parents and coaches keep young athletes safe are available here.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport also offers courses for minor athletes, with parental consent required for registration. For minors aged 13-17 there is a 15-minute course focused on bullying prevention, supporting friends who have experienced abuse or misconduct, and resources for reporting. For minors aged 5-12 there is a 15-minute course focused on the difference between discipline and abuse, encouraging them to reach out to a trusted adult when something is not right, and stressing the importance of positive sportsmanship and having a healthy sport environment that is focused on fun and safety.
If you are currently a USEF member and need to complete the SafeSport Trained Core course, follow these directions.
To complete the SafeSport Trained Core course without a USEF membership, click here to create an account (please note a $20 fee applies for the SafeSport Trained Core course for non-USEF members). After creating your account, you will receive an email from and must confirm your account. Once you sign in to your account, click “Catalog” (from either your profile or the Menu section in the upper left corner of your screen). Select the course you wish to take from the Catalog, and then click the blue cart button to make your purchase.
U.S. Center for SafeSport
SafeSport Helpline (24/7 access by phone, online chat, or via app)
The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit committed to building a sport community where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and misconduct.
Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP)
MAAPP limits one-on-one adult/minor interactions and sets standards for training and sport settings that prevent abuse and misconduct.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
The Department of Health & Human Services provides information on the laws in each state regarding the reporting of child abuse.
USEF SafeSport Reporting Resources
USEF SafeSport FAQ
USEF SafeSport Policy
Informational Booklets
Watch the 2019 USHJA Annual Meeting Q&A session about SafeSport with Michael Henry, chief officer for response and resolution for the U.S. Center for SafeSport.