USHJA President Mary Babick's Letter to the Membership with an Update Regarding COVID-19

Lexington, Ky.—Mar. 30, 2020

Dear Fellow USHJA Members,

I hope that you and your loved ones are safe. None of us can see the future, but I believe that it is important to plan for what lies ahead. Although sadly some people’s lives will be forever changed by the pandemic, we still have the chance to influence our futures. This is a time to put differences aside and support one another in any way we can.

Because we look forward to resuming our business and competitive lives, we are planning ahead. We are looking into plans for 30, 60 and 90 days into the future, and will continue to reshape these plans as the opportunities present themselves.

In particular, we are in the process of taking the following actions:

  • Scheduling meetings with competition managers by zone to discuss plans for the rest of the competition year
  • Scheduling meetings with Task Force and Committee members to discuss qualifying processes and points for upcoming Championships

I would like to hear from you. If you have an idea regarding an adjustment to qualifying processes or points for any of USHJA’s Championships, I am all ears. Please reply to this email ( to send your feedback.

We as a community are strong and resilient. Together we will emerge from this crisis. Our world may well look different, but we will still be united by the love of the horses.

Please stay safe and well. Keep your circle small.

Mary Babick
USHJA President