USHJA Announces New IHSA Team Challenge Opening April 1

IHSA Team Challenge logo_2-1Lexington, Ky.—March 25, 2025—The U.S. Hunter Jumper Association is pleased to announce the IHSA Team Challenge, debuting in 2025. Inspired by the popular USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Stable Challenge, this new educational competition invites Hunt Seat and Western IHSA Collegiate members to test their knowledge by completing an online quiz between April 1 and May 1 for a chance to win prizes for their team.

The IHSA Team Challenge is a free program developed in partnership with the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association to engage teams and encourage horsemanship. Open to both Hunt Seat and Western members, the Challenge invites students to complete the online USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Practice Quiz between April 1 and May 1. Participants can take the quiz as many times as they’d like to improve their scores. To be eligible for awards, at least three students per IHSA team must participate.

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In addition, participants can earn bonus points when they take the official Horsemanship Quiz Challenge quizzes. Participants who take the Level One and Level Two HQC quizzes will receive 10 bonus points for each level they complete with a passing score. Those bonus points are then added to their Practice Quiz score.

At the end of the 30-day challenge, the three top scores for each team will be averaged to provide an overall score, and the highest-scoring IHSA team will win a prize. Ribbons through tenth place will also be awarded at the 2025 IHSA Nationals, taking place at Tryon International Equestrian Center in Mill Spring, North Carolina, from May 2 to 4.


Students who continue with the official Horsemanship Quiz Challenge may have the opportunity to qualify for the in-person Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Nationals or the virtual Adult Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Nationals. Individuals who score 90% or higher on the Level Two Quiz will be eligible for selection. Registration is free to USHJA members and open through September 1.

For more information about the IHSA Team Challenge, visit For more information about the USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge, visit

Photos: MaryJo Peters/USHJA, Hannah Foreman, and Rachel Milewski/USHJA