USHJA Expands Exclusive Benefits Available to Members with USRider® Partnership

Lexington, Ky.—Apr. 8, 2022—The U.S. Hunter Jumper Association is pleased to USRider_logo_02-1-1announce an expansion to member benefits with a free 12-month membership to the USRider® Equestrian Motor Plan

“We are excited to provide this cost-saving benefit to our members,” said Kevin Price, executive director of the USHJA. “Knowing our members are frequently traveling with their horses, we feel this is a great added value for them to take advantage of at no extra cost.”

This new member benefit is available to all USHJA members that have not yet joined as a US Rider Member. With the free 12-month USRider membership, USHJA members will receive:

  • 24/7 white glove service
  • Emergency roadside service and repair
  • Vehicle and/or trailer towing—up to 100 miles
  • Emergency lodging and stable referrals
  • Coverage for any vehicle—whether driver or passenger
  • Much more!

USHJA members will need to go online and enter their USHJA Member ID Number to activate the free USRider membership and access these services. 

Benefits already to USHJA members include access to educational and competitive programs, the ability to participate in governance and leadership roles, a subscription to USHJA In Stride Magazine, regular email news updates, discounts on hotels, rental cars, travel and entertainment, and access to retail discounts on national brands such as John Deere, Sherwin Williams, Office Depot and Big Ass Fans. These benefits are available to all current USHJA members above the Outreach level and can be accessed by logging into your USHJA member account at

For more information about USRider, visit For more information about USHJA memberships, visit