MZ Farms/USHJA Emerging Athletes Program Regional Training Sessions

You’ve been accepted to EAP; now what?

Upon acceptance into a Regional Training Session, riders will be emailed an acceptance packet containing information relevant to their session and required documentation and materials. To reserve the rider's place in the program, all required documentation included in the acceptance packet must be submitted to USHJA no later than 14 days after the notification is sent, along with the $775 program fee made payable to USHJA.

It is the rider's responsibility to contact the Regional Host Facility for stall reservations, bedding, hay, feed, etc., and associated fees. Stall fees are separate from the EAP Regional Training Session fee and are to be paid directly to the Regional Host Facility. Rider acceptance packets will contain all relevant details about fees and any additional documentation required by their Regional Training Session host facility.


What You Need to Bring

Please print and fill out the following documents (where applicable) and bring with you to your Regional Training Session:

What You Need to Know

It is highly recommended that EAP participants familiarize themselves with the below informational materials in order to facilitate educational discussions during the Regional Training Session: