Hunter/Jumper Community Job Board


   Job Seekers


Looking for current employment and internship opportunities within the Hunter/Jumper Community Job Board


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Interested in submitting an equine related job opportunity to the Hunter/Jumper Community Job Board? Please include the following information in an attachment and send to Mary Hope Kramer at

  • Position Title
  • Hiring Organization
  • Job Description
  • Location of Job (City and State)
  • Hiring Contact’s Name, Phone, and Email Address
  • Mailing Address and/or Email Address where applications should be submitted

Job postings appear on the site for approximately 60 days; if the position is filled during that time please contact the administrator so the listing can be removed.


The United States Hunter Jumper Association, Inc. (“USHJA”) provides this job page on its website solely as an informational service to its members and the general public. It makes no explicit or implicit warranties regarding the content posted nor does it promote, sponsor or otherwise endorse any individuals or businesses listed on the page.  USHJA, solely in its discretion, reserves the right to remove all postings deemed to be inappropriate or not in the best interests of USHJA and to modify, change or remove the USHJA Job Board (“Job Board”) as it deems necessary or desirable. USHJA is not an employer, agent or recruiter with respect to the Job Board, does not screen content and is not responsible for the information posted.

Terms and Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions of Use ("Terms"), in pertinent part, apply to all individuals and/or entities posting jobs to the USHJA Job Board including recruiters or potential employers (“Employers”) as well as to all persons using the USHJA Job Board for the purpose of reviewing, identifying, or applying for positions posted (“Job Seekers”). By using the Job Board, Employers and Job Seekers (collectively “Users”) agree to be bound by these Terms. 

Users are solely responsible for the job postings, content, messages, images, resumes, materials or other information that they post on the Job Board or transmits to other users of the Job Board (“Content”) and agree that such Content will not be false, inaccurate, misleading, unlawful, offensive, or otherwise in violation of their obligations under these Terms. 

Prohibited Content which shall not be posted on the Job Board includes, but is not limited to, Content that explicitly or implicitly discriminates on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, disability, source of income, or place of residence or business, or any other factor prohibited by applicable law. Users are prohibited from posting any franchise, pyramid scheme, “club membership,” distributorship, or sales representative agency arrangement or recruitment of other members, sub-distributors or sub-agents.

Users shall exercise both common sense and courtesy when posting information and shall not transmit defamatory, disparaging, obscene, or offensive materials or communications. Users shall respect the security of the Job Board and shall not attempt to revise or delete material posted by any other user, to gain access to areas private to USHJA or its members, or to conduct any activities that may be illegal. The Job Board is not to be used in any manner that violates the Bylaws or any other policies, procedures, rules, or regulations of USHJA.

Users agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless USHJA and its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, resulting from any User’s breach of Terms.

Term and Termination
These Terms will remain in full force and effect while User is using the USHJA Job Board and with regard to any Content it ever posted on the Job Board. USHJA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to pursue all of its legal rights in connection with User’s use of the Job Board including, but not limited to, removal of Content from the Job Board, and prohibiting User from any future use of the Job Board. USHJA reserves the right to modify or change the Terms of the Job Board in the best interests of the Association.