USHJA World Championship Hunter Rider Program

The World Championship Hunter Rider Program was founded in 1992 to recognize and celebrate the hunter rider. Since the inaugural WCHR Professional Finals in 1992, the WCHR program has expanded to include coveted year-end awards for Professionals, Developing Professionals, Amateur Owners, Adult Amateurs, Juniors, Children's and Pony riders. WCHR Program Participants qualify for National and Regional Awards by earning points at WCHR Events held across the country throughout the qualifying year. Points from a rider's top four WCHR Events will be used to determine the National and Regional standings. Each year the top ten nationally ranked riders and top six regionally ranked riders in each category, come together to compete in the WCHR Finals at the Capital Challenge Horse Show in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.  

WCHR Events

The country will be divided geographically into eight regions, and there will be a maximum number of WCHR Competitions during the qualifying year with some measure of geographic balance, variance of dates and constituency opportunity.

Finals at the Capital Challenge Horse Show

Each year, the top 10 nationally ranked riders in each WCHR category, as well as the top six riders from each region, are invited to compete in their respective WCHR Challenge at the Capital Challenge Horse Show (exception Handy). Challenge classes are run in either a one or two round hunter classic format. The points earned from the Challenge classes are then added to points previously earned at WCHR Competitions and the Capital Challenge Horse Show to crown a WCHR National Champion in each category. For more information, visit

2024 WCHR Capital Challenge Horse Show Program

Who is Eligible to Participate?

All WCHR participants are eligible for WCHR Awards on both a National and Regional level in the category of their choice.

WCHR Category Descriptions

   USHJA Specifications Library  

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