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  • Your Member Benefits

    The USHJA is pleased to bring members unique benefits beyond competitive opportunities. Learn more and take full advantage of all your membership offers.

  • Maintaining a Safe Sport for All

    Learn about resources, requirements and reporting tools that help keep members safe.

  • Guide to Competition Rules

    Access USEF Rulebook, information on new rules, rule proposals, the rulemaking process and other helpful information related to Hunter/Jumper competition.

Welcome to the United States Hunter JumperBPWK2023 Winner Logo (cmyk).jpg Association

The USHJA is the US Equestrian-recognized national affiliate for the Hunter and Jumper disciplines. The USHJA is a competition-based sport organization that serves our members through educational programs, awards and recognition, communication, and rules. We provide a wide array of programs for all Hunter/Jumper levels, and we are mindful of the well-being of our equine partners. Additionally, we are committed to preserving the history of our sport, and through our Foundation we support charitable and benevolent services.


As a member of the USHJA, you have access to a number of great benefits and are part of an exceptional community of Hunter/Jumper equestrians. 

Latest News

The U.S. Hunter Jumper Association is pleased to announce the USHJA Amateur Hunter Championships, set to debut in the 2025…
The U.S. Hunter Jumper Association Board of Directors elected one At-Large Director to the Board during a special meeting on…
Ponies claimed the stage at the Blenheim June Classic for the 2024 USHJA Pony Hunter Derby Championship – West on Saturday, June…


An Overview